Friday 12th February

Good morning Willow Class and welcome to your last day of home learning for this half term.

We are SO SO SO impressed with how hard you have all worked and adapted to this new way of learning. You are all SUPER DUPER!!

Thankyou for working so hard and sharing your work with us.

A BIG thankyou also goes to all the lovely grown ups that have helped you. You are fantastic!

Mrs Delvalle is looking forward to seeing you in assembly at 1pm – click here to join!

Here is a reminder of our suggested timetable this week: Week 6 Home learning timetable

Have a very well deserved break next week and we will see you ready for some more home learning on Monday 22nd February! 🙂

Sign in below!

Thursday 11th February

Good morning everyone,


Here is a reminder of our suggested timetable this week: Week 6 Home learning timetable


Today you can wake up your body with a gentle start from GoNoodle before being a bit more active with some fun singing and dancing! After that you can complete the second task of your art/RE project all about Chinese New Year and then guided reading and maths. After lunch you can complete the second ICT lesson of the week (Year 1 and 2) and then enjoy listening to storytime with your teacher before spending some time reading yourself.


Reply to sign in to the penultimate day of term!

Wednesday 10th February

Welcome to Wednesday, willow wonders!

Here is a reminder of our timetable this week: Week 6 Home learning timetable

Today, you can choose from the free activities from Jump Start Jonny (follow the link on your learning page!) for your PE session, before completing your phonics and kinetic letters handwriting practise, guided reading and maths. We are very excited to see as many of you as possible on our live PSHE lesson this afternoon  click here to join at 1:30pm when we will discuss what makes us happy- please have a think about this beforehand so we can share our thoughts. After that, you can chill and listen to a story read by one of your teachers (a Chinese New Year story today) and then practise your own reading!

Please reply to sign in for today… 3 days of the term left… we can do this!!

Tuesday 9th February

Good morning everyone,

Today is Internet Safety Day- possibly the most important thing for you to learn about in these times of remote learning!

Here is a reminder of our suggested timetable this week: Week 6 Home learning timetable

Today, you have enough time to complete a PE lesson with a Just Dance workout before your live internet safety assembly with Mrs Lutas at 9:45amclick here to join at 9:45am, (Meeting ID: 979 0923 3125,Passcode: bUKG5f) followed by guided reading and maths before lunch. After lunch, you can have a look at the Detective Digiduck story and discussion points in an ICT lesson before winding down to story time (today’s story is ‘Batmouse’) with your teachers and then practising your own reading.

Have a wonderful day! Reply to this to sign in today.

Monday 8th February

Hello Willow class,


Today is the start of the last week of term, which means that, after this week, you have a whole week to relax your mind and body. Well done for working so hard this term, we are so impressed with your learning! We hope this week is full of fun…


This week you can have a go at following this timetable, if you can. We know every home is different and you may have found your way with your own routine. If you do need support please email Mrs Hetherington or Mrs Delvalle.

Week 6 Home learning timetable

This morning you have: PE with Joe Wicks, Phonics and Kinetic Letters handwriting practise, Guided Reading and Maths. This afternoon you have Art/Re, Storytime with your teacher (it’s Kitchen Disco today!) and don’t forget to practise your own reading too!


We were so happy to see and hear from you in our live PSHE lesson on Wednesday last week. This week it will happen on Wednesday at 1:30pm. You will have a link to the zoom meeting on Wednesday’s virtual register. As last week was Children’s Mental Health awareness week, the question we are asking you to think about this week is What makes you happy? And why does it make you happy?


Wishing you a wonderful day as we start this week of learning. Reply to sign in for today!

Friday 5th February

Good morning everybody! Thank you for another fantastic week of home learning. We are SUPER impressed with the work we have seen 🙂

Today’s tasks: phonics, kinetic letters handwriting practice,  guided reading, maths and geography.

Also please join us for our class assembly with Mrs Lutas at 1pm:

Meeting ID: 919 3791 8727  Passcode: NDH3yQ

Reading book packs

For those parents who emailed and asked for a book pack, they will be available for collection from 9am until 1.30pm today outside school.

Wishing you all a very happy Friday!

Please sign in below!


Thursday 4th February

Good morning Willow class! It was so lovely seeing some of your faces yesterday in our zoom call – it really brightened my day! 🙂

Today’s tasks: If you still need to complete Mrs Kings challenge, then you will need to complete it today as your PE lesson. You also have your phonics and kinetic letters handwriting practice,  guided reading, maths and  geography.

Please sign in below – have a great day!

Wednesday 3rd February

Good morning Willow class!


We are very excited about our live PSHE lesson at 2pm discussing ‘what keeps us safe outside?’. Just click on this link: Willow PSHE session  at 2pm (Meeting ID: 935 3459 4894 and Passcode: 9vMZus) and it will take you to our live session. As there will be so many of us, it would be useful if you have your camera ON but your sound MUTED until it is your turn to talk (if you want to!).


If you didn’t do your PE challenge on Monday or yesterday, you will need to complete it today as your PE lesson. You also have your phonics and kinetic letters handwriting practise,  guided reading, maths and instead of geography, please join us at 2pm for PSHE (parents: this stands for Personal, Social, Health and Economics). Don’t forget to build and take a photo of your den for this week’s challenge and listen to story time with your teacher!


Reply to this to register for today and we’ll look forward to seeing you at 2pm.


Mrs Hetherington and Mrs Delvalle.

Tuesday 2nd February

Good morning everyone,

Today you should try your best to do a PE session, your phonics and kinetic letters handwriting practise, guided reading, maths and continue to work through the geography mini topic you started last week. Don’t forget story time with your teachers (It’s Hairy Maclary, Shoo today!) and this week’s challenge is to build a den! You might make a den in your garden or use items from around your house such as blankets and cushions- we can’t wait to see your photos and hand out those dojo points!


Also, an extra task this week; we know you’ve all been practising for this and results need to be in by Wednesday evening…


Sports Hall Athletics School competition with Mrs King in your own living room! 

First, watch Mrs King’s video, which explains how to set up and complete the 5 events. You need a timer and a tape measure if possible.

Next, record your times in metres and cm into the excel spread sheet. You have 3 attempts of each of the 5 events (Standing long jump, speed bounce, chest push, shuttle run, vertical jump). Find the scorecard here: sportshall-athletics-competition-scorecard Chenderit Cluster

The speed bounce should be the number in 20 seconds.

Last week was a practise- this week is the real thing so make sure you send your scores to Mrs Hetherington on Monday or Tuesday OR Mrs Delevalle on Wednesday!

Greatworth School is depending on YOU! Good luck!

Please reply to this post to sign in today…. happy learning everyone!